A few months ago I decided to create a space for young people to learn the basics of digital marketing.
Now, we’ve just finished the first 6-week course, supported by Lewisham's Borough of Culture award, and although I was teaching the course, I learned something, too. I learned that the next generation take their side-hustles very seriously.
It’s admirable how many are taking the initiative to distinguish their passions.
So now I’ll be running a 10-week version of the course starting 10th August. And it’s FREE for all participants.
The course will explain the fundamentals of campaign planning, management, optimisation and analysis. I’ll also touch on SEO, and how to start up on key social media platforms.
But most of all the course will demonstrate why creativity and initiative are always rewarded in digital marketing.
If you know anyone between 16+ (living in London) not in work, education or any sort of training, send them to www.getcreativeonline.co.uk You even get a £25 voucher from one of our partners (Playstation, Nando’s, FootLocker, H&M) for registering.
Tell a friend.